30 April 2009


we beat njc 3-2 today :) i'm so proud of you girls!

also yesterday, the boys beat MI 6-0. prouda you guys too :)

keep the fire burning, y'all


27 April 2009

Bring me to my knees

Our guys won NYJC 5-4 today.

Take it from me we don't give sympathy
You can trust me, trust nobody.
I said you and me, we don't have honesty
The things we don't wanna speak...
I'll try to get out, but I never will
The traffic is perfectly still.


26 April 2009

Re-Defining Boundaries of the Appropriate

Yikes it's 1.30pm, not 2.30pm as previously stated.

Do be there at RJC to support us (:


25 April 2009

Doesn't feel like friday (I don't even know your name)

See you there, don't know where you come from. Unaware, of the stare from someone. What's your name? Cause I have to know it. You've been the song playing on the background, all along. But you're turning up now, and everyone is rising to meet you, to greet you.

Oh mother of all headaches!

So proud of you :) I'm glad you found your purpose. Took awhile but at least it's back in your pocket. And you know, I always secretly believed in you. You finished strong.

5 more days to thursday.

30th April '09, venue RJC, VJC vs NJC, face-off at 2.30pm.

We're gonna finish strong.


20 April 2009

Maybe I'd Mean More to Someone Else

Today has been awful. God-awful. I hate being left alone with my thoughts. The only nice thing about it was the weather, methinks.

This mess about musicfest is annoying but at the same time amusing. I don't think something like this has ever happened in the history of musicfest before. We're the controversy of the year! We shall forever alter the direction musicfest is heading towards for many years to come! Earth-shifting stuff, indeed. Then again, I could be completely mistaken, and blown up a really small inconsequential issue out of proportions...

[As can be noticed, there is a change in the Vocal Groups Finalists Category - a replacement of B6 to VG11. Meanwhile, B6 has been included in a new category based on its awesome performance during the Semi-Finals. They will be receiving a prize, but not compete in any other category. Rational - "these guys aren't exactly a vocal group, they're not solo either, and yet they also don't fit the description of a band, but they can't be missed!"

This decision will be final, and will stand from now on; to account for such a change, the fairness of this competition and category distinction were central to the reason for such a review of the judges' prior decisions.

I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to voice out their disapprovals/points of view from the release of Saturday's Results; your views have definitely helped us in both seeing your points of view as participants and going further to improve the standards and impartiality of this event. Tthis is, hopefully, the best decision the organising committee and judges have made for MusicFest 2009. Otherwise, sincere apologies goes out to all who have endured/suffered any form of mental/emotional disturbances/trauma from the initial results. And of course, we hope that this revised set of results may be better news to all.]

But I stand firm. That would be highly improbable.

See, I'm not that girl. I don't take shit from any guy. And I'm beginning to feel, I deserve better. Pleasure vs. pain, oh it's a fine line. And when I feel the pain isn't worth it anymore, the game's over. Strange thing is, I don't even know if I've the right to be this pissed off. Hmm. So I'll let it slide. Again. You might chance upon this and ask me about it, but come on. If I couldn't tell you to your face the problem, don't you think half your battle is lost already?

Okay, NOW I'm ready for bed.

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18 April 2009

Make it real, or else forget about it.

Victory of the day was that they loved our sound :) the bonus is that we're through to the finals. What a high!


13 April 2009

The Morning After - How I managed to tell two

You know what's the strange thing about Facebook Quizzes? You can't stop at one. You just have to do one more. I'm okay with stopping at TWO quizzes. But doing just one and stopping there leaves you feeling empty inside. Like a part of you is missing. Weird isn't it? Hmm.

I spent the day.. Gingerly sitting down, and making no sudden movements in my seat during lectures. My face burning everytime I got reminded by any hint of the memory. You'd laugh if you knew the thoughts in my head. You know what they say though, sometimes we never learn.

I don't know what I go to class for... Everyday, same old thing. Copying notes and answers, hoping that some day this shit I'm taking down will actually make sense to me. I still can't get over the fact that my dad said my C for geog is bad :( :( :( heartbreaking, really.


11 April 2009

I make no apologies

for who I am and what I say.

I just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire. Absolutely loved it. Would have much nicer on the big screen though. Everything is. So anyways today I checked out the spanking new Tampines One. Well technically I checked out only bits of the first and basement floor. Cause it was too darn crowded. Oxygen stealers. I shall return when it isn't a PH and when people are a rare occurence. Though I think that's a little too much to ask of the ever-humble Tampines. We'll see.

I don't have an attitude. I have a personality you can't handle.


09 April 2009


Love takes hostages, gives them pain
Gives someone the power to hurt you again and again

Not training is so UGH! I'm being such a good girl, and doing what the doctor told me to do. Yet my back still hurts the same. ^!%@#!

Oh on a happier note, I got an A for PW :) :) :) :) :) :)

He and I, had something beautiful.


06 April 2009

The Sweet Spot

We're running out of time.

That is the essence of it. Every second that passes is a moment lost. And it's a shame we don't know better.

In my future, I have hope and enthusiasm that I will find myself content. Happiness that comes with success. A smugness, that maybe comes with ignorance/arrogance? But still I would be pleased. Then sometimes I think, with grave certainty, that some bad thing shall befall. I've led a charmed life, lucky and smooth sailing. It's true what they say you know, everything happens for a reason. To imagine anyone is allowed that would be a great oversight.

I am a worrier. But I am good at hiding it. Therefore it is not a problem, except maybe to myself. My back is worrying. A muscle strain, at an inconvenient spot. I probably aggravated it by training right through the pain. Now it's burning. I got a gel for it from the doctor down the road.. He also said no physical activity for a week. Hmm that's 3 or 4 trainings? So yes, back to the worrying. Mmm the first match is in 3 week's time. Well slightly more than 3 weeks, if you wanna get technical about it. 24 days, if you're anal. I know my stomach flu is gonna clear right up, give it 3 days tops. But a back problem? That's worrying. So hmm, one week of no training. I'll live. I guess. Bigger picture!

You're careless and forgetful, you don't care about the details. You're not observant, you're not one for grand gestures. You're not spontaneous, and you never take note of what you say.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be in someone else's head. Maybe that'd give me a better perspective on how it's like in mine. Haha I guess we all just need a little more perspective. On everything.


05 April 2009

In a crippling sense

scratch that. This stomach flu will be the death of me.


Are we on?

CRAMPS shall be the death of me.
