06 April 2009

The Sweet Spot

We're running out of time.

That is the essence of it. Every second that passes is a moment lost. And it's a shame we don't know better.

In my future, I have hope and enthusiasm that I will find myself content. Happiness that comes with success. A smugness, that maybe comes with ignorance/arrogance? But still I would be pleased. Then sometimes I think, with grave certainty, that some bad thing shall befall. I've led a charmed life, lucky and smooth sailing. It's true what they say you know, everything happens for a reason. To imagine anyone is allowed that would be a great oversight.

I am a worrier. But I am good at hiding it. Therefore it is not a problem, except maybe to myself. My back is worrying. A muscle strain, at an inconvenient spot. I probably aggravated it by training right through the pain. Now it's burning. I got a gel for it from the doctor down the road.. He also said no physical activity for a week. Hmm that's 3 or 4 trainings? So yes, back to the worrying. Mmm the first match is in 3 week's time. Well slightly more than 3 weeks, if you wanna get technical about it. 24 days, if you're anal. I know my stomach flu is gonna clear right up, give it 3 days tops. But a back problem? That's worrying. So hmm, one week of no training. I'll live. I guess. Bigger picture!

You're careless and forgetful, you don't care about the details. You're not observant, you're not one for grand gestures. You're not spontaneous, and you never take note of what you say.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be in someone else's head. Maybe that'd give me a better perspective on how it's like in mine. Haha I guess we all just need a little more perspective. On everything.



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