30 January 2010

Lift your open hand,

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance.

28 January 2010

So it took less than two weeks.

The letter is in, everything is back to normal.

Today I sat in on a meeting for the Unilever engagement with the team of managers. By golly, it felt real. I wonder what it'll be like when all the heavy duty stuff starts coming in. I seem to be the only intern who hasn't been consistently doing OT. On a not-completely unrelated note, I think wearing heels everyday shortens my life by at least half a year.

Gonna help Ryan with his homework now. Ciao!


27 January 2010

She Got Her Own - Ne-Yo ft. Jamie Foxx, Fabolous

I want you between me and the feeling I get when I miss you.

My to-do list just keeps growing. The thing about have a job with fixed hours is, it's like school. Except longer. With work clothes. So people to meet and things to buy just get shuffled to the do-later folder.

I wish I had some of my friends back. But people float in and out of our life. Sometimes you can't help it. (Sometimes I don't try hard enough)

I'm gonna eat some papaya and contemplate well, the universe.


This is just a very tiny shoutout to mr tey shou heng. If you're reading this, SMILE :) I'll be your classmate forever. And it's not really goodbye. And all things happen for a reason. And live while you're alive.

26 January 2010


I can't put this anywhere else my parents won't see. SO here it is, just to show how much I like this photo. And how much I like that we're us and it's perfect.


25 January 2010

Ahh :)

Sleep still and think big.

My posts today are all over the place so don't be confused. I'm just messy and unorganized and delirious. I can tell you that I've finally gotten rid of my long straight hair. And change is refreshing. I can also tell you that life is so different from books, or movies. But don't be afraid to script yours the way you want it. Finally, don't be afraid of falling.

It could be the best thing that has ever happened to you.


The only appropriate response to this is:

If, like magic, everything falls into place...

Then surely, you are the magician.


None of it was ever worth the risk.

The thing about being so happy, is that I no longer have anything to write about. Life is just snazzy, yknow?

Hmm :)



22 January 2010

Adults and Fireworks

All my problems will dissolve and disappear into nothing-ness.



20 January 2010

Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman!

Two to three weeks. How long, is two to three weeks? Will it drag painfully by? Or skip and twirl, whistling a merry tune. Hmm.


Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in the rain.

One day, some day, I will kiss you senseless under the overturned oceans.

Sorry, but I have to ask.

My goodness, I can really evade a question if I put my head to it.


Back to the grinder tomorrow.

I wonder what the stirrups will feel like. Or worse, what my brain will tell me.


18 January 2010

You are the clouds in my hot chocolate.

I forgot to mention,

that last night JB and I caught The Blind Side at klp, and I get why it was so explosively popular in the US now. Easy-to-empathize-with coloured boy, check. Cute little 8 yr old smart alec, check. Kick-ass lead female, check. Good christian values, check. Go watch it :)


Tomorrow, I finally do something for myself.

I'll get on my knees tonight, close my eyes and pray.

Do you believe in a charmed life? Do you believe that somewhere out there, in this time or another, someone is looking out for you? Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Do you believe in the magical? Do you believe that miracles happen, that beautiful things surround us, that love really does exist? Do you believe in hope, and prayer, and faith? Do you believe that goodness reaches every dark corner, that fire lifts even the lowest spirits, if they would only open their eyes to it? Do you believe that you are easy to love? Do you believe that warmth lies beyond every dispassionate unsaid word? Do you believe that everyone deserves happiness? Do you believe that time is gentle and caring? Do you believe that daylight erases the harshness of the cold night? Do you believe in kindness? Do you believe that even the strange are truthful, even the fortunate are grateful, even the misguided will find their way home?


You feel a cold hand, and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everythingthat happens in between can be dealt with." - Michael Jackson

17 January 2010

I really, really like you.

Worry Wart.

You can pretend like you don't care, don't hear me, don't know me. But the truth is, you hang on to my every word.

I played floorball today :) with Jb and his friends. Valhall makes me all nostalgic about preseason camp and trainings. It's back to work tomorrow, so I'd best hit the sack early.


16 January 2010

Gimme that lo' dough.

Cham's surprise was a success! Reverse bungee was heart-stopping, and the extreme viking thing, shot out to the moon. My delinquent stunt after that, also seamless. Sleep acquired last night, negligible.

I'm about to zero out my batteries now so goodnight, see you tomorrow :)

If you ask with patience, time always tells.


Everybody sails alone.

“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold on to him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.” — Bob Marley

14 January 2010

Pain is just a simple compromise,

so I can find someone to rely on, and run to him.

Full speed ahead.

Still, they echo me in circles.

You're just one of those ghosts. Travelling endlessly. Don't need no roads, in fact they follow you. You just go in circles.


Never been happier.

My mum's in an extremely pissy mood. So naturally she's not hearing anything I'm saying, and assuming everything I'm not.

Goodnight world. I promised my sweetheart I'd go to bed early.


Do you behave yourself, or are you naughty?

So now's the perfect time to sneak over to JB's place.

Cheer up Soffie!

I've got a new one. Cheena tepung. Tepung for flour? I'm guessing? Some twisted referrence to the make-up I had on. Hmm. They get more and more profound each time. How do you pronounce tepung, anyone?

Tasteless jokes, sour humour.

I'm so glad I can charge my ipod. Trips to and from work won't be the same without Paramore.

Oh today I bumped into Rello at RP, along with some seniors, he's coaching SP now. Cool stuff. I think he's a great coach :)


12 January 2010


to popular belief, I AM a fan of grand gestures. Painfully public displays of wild affection. Once in awhile anyways.

Today I learnt that in an air-conditioned office, it is cold. Cold in a way that blazers over a tank top won't protect you. I also learnt that generally, skirts I wear all have a mind of their own. They shift off-center as they please, and ride up when I walk. Finally I learnt that if your skirt rides up, there is no way in hell you can prevent it without looking like a fool.

After work I met JB for dinner at Sushi Tei :)


11 January 2010

Haha now I can't sleep.


Tomorrow I start my very exciting job, and very exciting life as half a beautiful thing. Don't look at me funny that way, we're all just looking for a little excitement, afterall.

So yeah yeah I changed my facebook status. Proves I can be totally non-dark and twisty, totally un-complicated, and totally issue-free. I can take leaps of faith too.

If you lead the way, anyways :)

I'm gonna head to bed, I'll need all my energy to take on tomorrow like the rockstar I secretly know I am.


10 January 2010

Hair like this?

Beachy (does love exist?)

Yahh la I cut all the threads and didn't hesitate. Threw myself in like a girl with nothing to lose. So? He's better than you anyday.

Looking back, I'm still amazed we managed to pull it off. 5 days reprieve from the humdrum (and occasional tiringly stupid) antics of life. We packed up our stuff, brought the best of us, and left all the shit behind. It was beautiful. The villa was perfect. The pool secluded and peaceful. The food, oh the food. Haha the only thing we really spent on, and maybe went a little over-zealous with. We girls can seriously eat.

Mmm but the company, irreplacable.

We took many many photos, so once vyl uploads them, we'll get to re-live the pretty perfectness of it all :)

"Fasten seat belt. Somebody needs you."

I may have beautiful thoughts, but it's no use if I hide them. So I wanna know what it'd be like. To find perfection in my pride, to see nothing in the light. Funny how the more I live, the more I believe. It's not a false illusion. And eversince I gave Siu my two cents on what I think she should do, I've been contemplating testing the waters for myself. It really isn't that difficult. If you only believe.


We really did it.

“If he were the right guy for you, there would be nothing on this earth keeping him from you. None of this not-over-his-ex shit, none of this not-ready-for-committment crap, no excuses, equivocation, or hemming and hawing. He would be there, and present, and totally excited about it. Don’t waste your time if they’re not.”

Siobhan O’Neill

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06 January 2010

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!



What's your name? Girl, what's your number?


Well this sucks.

How much of what do I pack and into where??


The Deal Clincher

Maybe it was M's gentle prodding yesterday, or maybe it was one of Jason's theories. Maybe it's all the little things accumulated to one big significant thing. Maybe I'm just wanton and easy like Sunday morning. Or maybe I'm finally leaving behind all my reservations. Why? I don't know. I leave tomorrow for Bintan, won't be back til the 10th, so maybe time away will decide.

I still can't believe I skated down that retarded overhead bridge today. JB somehow managed to coerce me to the top, then there was no turning back :( other than that training was good fun, I'm kinda bummed that this'll be the last one I can go back for.


05 January 2010

Joke's on you, pretty.

04 January 2010

Hot Hot Heat

And my solution to this one is to have a threesome.


Mr and Mrs Fuck Deluded

Wanting something that doesn't want you.

You know it just puts me in the mood.
Yeah it puts me in the mood.

YAWN. Sleepy sleepy. I got up early to join the girls for PT again today. Then ran round town meeting people. Dumb transport fares are SUCKING ME DRY. I'm so broke, so broke.


Public Display of Affection

I think the paramore concert is gonna be mind-blowingly rad :)

Si Wei enlists today. Don't be so scared of the injections okay! Find your happy place! Haha.

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Wait, no. I'm sorry, what??

I don't know what you guys were talking about!


03 January 2010

We're not the same!

I wish you were here. Perfect snuggle-under-the-sheets moment.

And I hope this worries you.


I know you won't believe it.

So I got a new pair of heels, a late Christmas present, and yknow what? All my worries just seemed to dissolve instantly. Like magic.


Today you thought of me for the first time!

Sigh unrequited love is a pain in the butt.


02 January 2010


but for now we are young


A whirling dervish...

He got me with a hook
Those big bass notes
Thunder in my chest
Stuck in my throat
Pulling me down
Like a rumble in the ground
Crawls up from the depths
With a deep down sound

Johnny got a boom boom.
Johnny got a bam!


Your truth never set me free.

No memories rushing back, no ache at the back of my chest, no taste of bitterness on my tongue. If I met you on the streets, I'd smile and shake your hand. I do think your friend's kinda cute though. Put in a good word for me? :)




01 January 2010

The prettiest dresses are worn to be taken off.


I can't wait til the 6th of Jan when the girls and I sail off to our little getaway.

Okay today has been one of those days where I spend lots of time daydreaming about my knight in shining whatever who'll drive me around (because #1. I have no licence of my own #2. adult fare now), pay for my meals (cause #3. I'm tragically low on cash), bring me to plays and movies and concerts ( cause #4. they're expensive), and buy me pretty things (refer to #3 and #4).

Then I realise HEY SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU'LL EARN YOUR OWN FUCKING MONEY. You just gotta survive this next month. No excuse to be pathetic.


For fuck's sake, MAN UP.