30 November 2009

A million love songs later,

I'm missing my girls so bad.

Can we go back to the days when we were just 15?


I really don't appreciate being lied to.

So if you don't hear from me again, you know why.


29 November 2009

I will not grow attached.

I won't. It's simple.

Tomorrow is the last paper, yall :) I can't wait to run away from EVERYTHING. Get out of the country. Put some damn kilometres between myself and the madness. Speaking of which, I haven't packed. I'll just throw something together on Tuesday morning I guess.

Have I mentioned Prom? I never imagined myself saying this, but I'm unprepared for prom. Almost sounds comical. But tis the truth, we've only jammed once and I have no dress yet. Oh well. It shall all have to wait til I get back. Ahh I can smell the ocean and the beach already.

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28 November 2009

Dave Chappelle-What's Wrong With Hollywood

worth your time, promise.

The Bottomline

Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight because HARRY POTTER IS BRITISH, AND TWILIGHT IS AMERICAN.

Harry Potter has less screaming fans than Twilight because HARRY POTTER IS BRITISH, AND TWILIGHT IS AMERICAN.

That said, have you seen the wolfpack?


I just got back from my run, I'm sorry if my sweatglands are speaking.


Season 6 Episode 1

I cried my eyes out. Grey's anatomy gets me all the time. Every episode.

26 November 2009

Never been a dumb girl, no I'm not dense. I just had a slight lack of common sense.

I wonder if what I'm doing is wrong. Feels slightly misguided. But who's caring? I'm too fly to be stressed!


25 November 2009

I will NOT listen to any of Paramore's new songs til I've bought the album. YOU HEAR ME! I don't care how far away that might be, I will save up and buy it myself.

23 November 2009

Even though I really loved you,



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22 November 2009


I accidently injested a bad almond. Retch. No words can describe. The piece of advice above is applicable for many situations though.
Any ideas on SONGS FOR PROM?

21 November 2009

I make them good boys run away.

"I'm watching you, and I know what you're going through. I've forgiven you, but don't think that for one second I'll forget. I understand why you do what you do, but I still think you're wrong. I still think you're stupid."

I'm such a spiteful person that I can think of at least 3 people I wanna say that too. First box on the "am I psycho?" list, check.

I need to unleash my inner grammar Nazi for abit, please bear with me.

"Your" is not the same as "You're"
"Delightful" is not spelt "Delightfull"
"Its" and "it's" aren't inter-changeable
And "Braces" is definitely not "Bracers"


His fantasy.

I hope they kill each other. I hope a little part of them dies when they touch. I hope they get consumed by their diseased relationship, a bacteria that thrives in their sick love.


19 November 2009

Sometimes love comes around.

Killer week is almost over :)

I've never been THIS excited about christmas!!!!!!

And it knocks you down, just get back up when it knocks you down.


18 November 2009

One more shot through the dark.

Babe, honeybums, my hottest girl in the world, we've all been in that hoodie you're raving about. Smell it, take a big whiff. Can't you sniff out the lies? It's almost freakin public property. But dang, it makes you feel so special, don't it?



17 November 2009

You're such a dork.

Dear B,

In this letter to no one, I just want to say thank you in advance, for allowing me to be myself, for thinking the sun shines out of my ass, for being someone I can trust completely. You forced me to sit up and realize that this is nothing I can't deal with, unknowingly you gave me strength to be stronger, unknowingly, you changed everything. The way I see people, the way I think about things, the way I am now so full of hope and anticipation because it just keeps getting better.

You're the cheese to my macaroni.

Forever and always,

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Flinging daggers with my eyes,

16 November 2009

Inhale, exhale.

I really love my room and I wish I could share it with you. I think you'd like it because although it's a mess 94.7% of the time, the air is always fresh, and my bed's super comfy. Especially now, when the overcast sky threatens, the chill enters through the windows and you can smell the forest's anticipation outside. It's going to pour and when it does, we shall snuggle under my sheets, push whatever papers that are on my bed to the floor, and just listen to the rain wreak havoc. I think you'd like my room cause there's space for us to just be together, no pressure to be anything else. We can talk, or make plans, or share our fears. We could listen to some music in silence, we could share a cup of warm milo, we could just sleep, for awhile. We could just hold each other, you know, and memorize each other's smell. And we'd be so content and unhurried. I think you'd really like my room because when you're here, time would standstill just for us. And there would be no need for us to be anywhere, at anytime, but here and now.

13 November 2009

Sweet Pea

tingly :)

12 November 2009

How is everyone?

The killer week is looming. Anyway I checked my paper 1 on that link that Hans advertised, and things look pretty. Paper 2 shall be as smooth, probably. Too bad you can't carry credits over to, say, econs. Sigh econs, makes me feel nauseous. Worse still, unprepared.

God, can't wait for it to be OVER.

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11 November 2009

Joseph Vincent

Haha ohdeargod. Thoughts eluding my brain, clammy palms, a dizzy faint spell.


10 November 2009

Holler and conquer.

Don't talk to me next year when I get fucked up grades.


07 November 2009

I'm not joining idol til I can sing like THAT.

haha sighhh.

04 November 2009


03 November 2009

He broke my heart, and now it's raining, just to rub it in.

02 November 2009

Can't touch this.

"Don't you admire me? Even if it's just a little?"


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01 November 2009

dream a little dream of me