It's really late and i should be in bed already but i just NEED to blog about today=) well first of all, ning and i wanted to go watch the soccer match. but then i realised that in order to do that, i'd have to pon GP. PLUS there was also the alternative of going down to support hockey instead cause ISLAND CREAMERY is near ccab! XD HOWEVERRR.. in the end ning and i ended up following the cher and shir to parkway for TOM YAM. which i so totally do not like. but yeah. so we went to the hawker centre and we ended up ordering chwee kueh, dumplings, MINI peng kuehs and bubble tea on top of the tom yam. after we ate, we sat there and chatted for quite a while. we talked and talked and topics led on to another and somehow we ended up talking about: ("->" means which led to) fear factor->cow and chicken (don't ask)->cartoons->tv documentaries->wild sex (an animal documentary ning watched)->shir watching one about how some animals are homosexuals->how some primates make their own sex toys. RIGHT AT THIS INSTANT, funny moment #1 of the day happened.shir: there was one about how there are some animals which are homosexualstherese: certain primates or somethingshir: you know some primates even make their own sex toysandrea: (reaching into her bag) EH i got something to show you.oh classic andrea. in the end she was just refering to some poster. Okay after talking at the hawker centre for awhile, we went to venezia to get ICE CREAM! shir and i shared the chocolate lava cake thingo, which was not bad. being the lazy bums that we are, we didnt feel like going home so we sat there and talked somemore. we talked long enough for shir to make 3 trips to the toilet. that was also where funny moment #2 happened but that one you must see shir and andrea do the actions. they were trying to explain how cubicle number 3 in our toilet near the slum has this faulty shower that requires you to hold the tap for any water to flow out. the problem was when they stood under the water, their hands couldnt reach the tap. so they had to press and jump back real quick. press and jump back real quick. press and jump back real quick. oh wow. ning laughed til her face was all red. okay and all while talking we fiddled with the plastic cups we used for water and moulded them into weird shapes. aren't we such lovely interesting people..
WELL. ning-the-creative's one the the one on the far right. it's selling point being that it's the only cup right side up. when we picked up our bags to leave, i thought we were gonna go home. but NO. THEY WANTED TO EAT DINNER NOW. okay i admit i didnt object. haha so we went to cafe bar. there we ordered ONE executive meal and fries to share. how awesomely economical are we. anyway the staff there are extremely nice! and so patient! there was this one guy who helped us un-jam our bread from the toaster cause NING cut it too fat. haha speaking of bread, they had FREE FLOW of bread for the executive's meal =) so yeah we went crazy. when our food started arriving, food being a soup and one pasta, there was no space on the table.funny moment #3shir: the table is too small! no spacening: ya it's tiny!
andrea: maybe we just aren't supposed to take so much breadhaha she made me snort on my tea.(okay no not really that would have been completely unglam but i'm just saying that for impact=D)well yes. i had so much fun today. total pig-out session. we played a really cool finger game too.. which andrea completely sucked at =) oh on my way home i talked to aloysius, jerald and zaki on bus 31. arts fac people are cool stuff.. although zaki saying that i look like a IJ girl was not so cool. haha oh wells. met jon tan on bus 2 too. how coincidental. All in all, it was lovely.Labels: yeah the cookie crumbles but in whose hands