16 November 2009

Inhale, exhale.

I really love my room and I wish I could share it with you. I think you'd like it because although it's a mess 94.7% of the time, the air is always fresh, and my bed's super comfy. Especially now, when the overcast sky threatens, the chill enters through the windows and you can smell the forest's anticipation outside. It's going to pour and when it does, we shall snuggle under my sheets, push whatever papers that are on my bed to the floor, and just listen to the rain wreak havoc. I think you'd like my room cause there's space for us to just be together, no pressure to be anything else. We can talk, or make plans, or share our fears. We could listen to some music in silence, we could share a cup of warm milo, we could just sleep, for awhile. We could just hold each other, you know, and memorize each other's smell. And we'd be so content and unhurried. I think you'd really like my room because when you're here, time would standstill just for us. And there would be no need for us to be anywhere, at anytime, but here and now.


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