27 July 2009

Flower Child vs. Wild Child

Isn't it always amusing when someone says this is the LAST TIME, NO MORE, then ends up right back at square one again? Okay amusing when it doesn't directly have an impact on your personal comfort or wellness. Not so amusing if it does.

Then one by one, the stars would all go out.
Then you and I, would simply fly away.

I've been doing some thinking about missing out. Yeah as in, not-experiencing-something kinda missing out. Cause I have a tendency of becoming so fixated on one thing, like I slapped a pair of auto-focus glasses permanantly to my head, and sometimes it's easy to forget I still have them on. I always try to remind myself, bigger picture! Think of the bigger picture! But y'know, I still get the nagging feeling that I'm missing out. Or maybe that just stems from my dark desire to experience everything, feel everything, know everything. A desire I not only don't fulfil sufficiently (Hence the guilt manifests in the form of a fear of missing out.. Wait, is this my answer??), but also I like to downplay it.. Like it's something to be ashamed of. Isn't that a real pity? I mean if I could wear that desire proud and high, and actually actively seek to satisfy it, what I person I would be!

Maybe thinking about it is the first step?

Maybe laziness is the disease that will eventually wipe out mankind.

Haha okay no seriously, I'm thinking about this whole missing out deal cause recently I've been kinda caught up about this one thing. Worthy of my attention as it may be.. DANG, I GOTTA TAKE THOSE AUTO-FOCUS GIZMOS OFF!

Yes okay I'm awake now.

"If that's what it's about, then I'm sorely disappointed."

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