23 July 2009

Do you know why I'm happy?

Self-awareness & self-management

It all begins with you.

You are why you're happy. You think it's because of something else, something external. But no, YOU are why you're happy. Trust me on this one ;)

So do you know why I'M happy? Cause I choose to be. And cause I can.. And cause I deserve to be. And cause I'm good at shrinking the bad stuff. If you need a mental visual for this one, imagine all the negativity in my life is a picture on an iPhone. With just two fingers, I shrink the sodding thing to a tiny dot. Still there, but it takes up way less space. Which leaves more space for happy! :) You can tell me my analogy is gay but hey, all you are is a picture on an iPhone to me.

Hmm so when life gets you down, and hello I know ALOT of people around me are feeling like crap right not, just know that the solution is at your fingertips.

It only works if you really believe in happy, shiny endings. It doesn't mean I can't still be dark and twisty. I can be a little dark and twisty. Just mostly happy and shiny. Does that make me a sell-out?

Woteva :)

Oh and and and you can keep trying to get to me with your double meanings, your little redundant nuggets of information, but remember.. You're only a picture on an iPhone.

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