17 July 2009

CLINGY. Like cold dead clammy unrelenting never-let-you-go killer grip kinda clingy.

Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

Nice. Loved it (I can already hear someone disagreeing just to be contrary). Good visuals, one of the best sets so far, and good pace, too. But I think one of the main reasons why it was so enjoyable is that I couldn't remember what happened in the book. Haha which sounds queer but hey, got more bang for my buck. So everyone's happy :) Well maybe just me.

Weehoo. I'm halfway through Black Swan Green, and although I really love love love the language and writing style, I find that I keep picking it up at the wrong times (like in lectures), which only makes me feel guilty afterwards, which then leads to me abstaining, ultimately ending up with me not remembering what last happened when I attempt to read it again a few days later. It's all very frustrating.

It's like something in me just clicked. I finally understand the trade-off. Nothing is foggy like a few months ago. The uncertainty has be replaced by an anxiety, and since we're on the topic of trade-offs, I'm not quite so sure it is The Better Emotion. Like how now all I can think about is doing The Right Thing. A rather exhausting notion, if you ask me. It eats away at you from the inside, cause y'know, it's a "me" thing. It's one of those "you gotta do it for yourself" kinda things. And if you screw up, LO AND BEHOLD (haha julius!), you've got no one to blame but You. Scary, huh? So I'm trying.. I'm trying really hard. A little bit every day, exploring my options, doing what I can.. I really need to speak to someone about this, and I mean someone who has a brain I can pick. A human touch to the process to keep one sane, that'd be nice. As we all go a little cuckoo in the head from studying, it doesn't really help to know that this is the time in our lives that will in all likelihood determine how Everything Else turns out. Like oh hey, no pressure. But it's not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end. It's only the end of the beginning.

Dang, this Pokka Premium Milk Tea thing is real tasty.



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