02 October 2009

Yes, I was burnt, but I call it a lesson learnt!

He'll tell you I don't believe in losing ;)

SO. Not-that-shiny report card for prelims. People around me are dissolving into disbelieving individuals with no drive or hope. WHY! I shall resolve never to let myself be that way. Listen, friends. We're gonna have to take the papers anyways, so don't waste effort/time dwaddling in despair and darkness. Buy new stationery, re-organize your papers, rearrange your furniture, do what it takes to get back on track okay? Most of all, talk to someone who believes in you. That person probably ain't me, but hey, you have someone. Everyone has someone.

My mum believes in me, that much I can count on :)

I'm not usually so bright and shiny. Usually I'm more every-silver-lining-has-a-cloud rather than the other way around. BUT at this crucial point of your life, don't allow yourself to be wrecked by pathetic lack of faith. It's freaking tough, I know. It's so insanely hard to be motivated EVERY SINGLE DAY. But you can be. I can be. I choose to be!



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