13 June 2009


Haha okay okay I get it. You don't like me. You never WILL like me. Fine by me, too.

"Flea fly flo fun goes massive" was a pretty cool way to spend the afternoon. Got my hands on a few steals, and I am one happy camper right now. I met Pam, Broc, Cui and Tan at the pit building too. I felt like just buying up the whole frikkin place and be done with it. Enough "stuff" to keep me satisfied for years. But of course due to cash constraint and common sense, I did not do that.

Sentosa on the 11th left me with tan lines. I realised too late, today. My dad remarked that I'm darker. My heart skipped a beat. We were cutting it too close I think.

8-12, 2-6. That is the new game plan! Ambitious? I don't think so! Just slightly crazy, that's all. If KC could do it, SO CAN I. I really need to kick up the gear on econs :( So, effective monday, hopefully all goes well and I magically morph into a human sponge. The clouds shall part, the light will shine through, and I will CONQUER MY NOTES. yeehaww.

40 years down the road, my small but beautiful 32As will still look like boobs while yours.. Well.

Would that be considered as "fueling the fire"? Silent warfare seems to be raging rampant here. Do you think I'll ever get tired of it? Well I'd say give me two more days... This is too refreshing to pass up. Hey aren't you glad I post almost everyday? :D

OKAY THERESE. stop it.

(Sigh. We've all got so much F.U.D in us.)

augustine says (11:38 PM): wa you seriously think you damn witty isit?

sometimes la.



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