22 February 2009

Caught red-handed

I like honeystars that are stuck to each other.

Saturday; Friendly vs Northbrooks. We played alright and near the end I sprained my ankle. It got really bad last night (high heels+bad ankle=stupid decision) but after icing it and a good rest, this morning it looked reasonably less-huge. I wonder if it'll be better in time for cross-country...

Sunday; Tuition in the late morning was reasonably productive. Tiramisu was a nice change. Studying outside after that was futile. Came home to eat, sleep and do my part on the 1000-word geog essay.

First impressions; 1. How he looks 2. How he carries himself 3. How he speaks 4. His laugh 5. If he laughs at all 6. Does he make you laugh? 7. Body language 8. Does he hold your attention 9. Is it easy to find things to say to him 10. Does he understand what you're saying?
I've met many new people this weekend. One over the phone, which crosses out criteria 1,2 & 7. Speech is still a powerful thing though. To me anyways. It's interesting, first impressions. It could mean everything, or nothing at all.

"It can't be a good sign if you're imagining breaking his heart already."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha i hope the impression was good!

You do have a charming personality over the phone yea:-)



12:02 PM  

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