01 November 2008

Don't worry, I got it.

Firstly, thank you those who came over to surprise me.

Andrew, with a cake/brownie I still insist is nice and for staying til 2 plus am before flying home. And you-who-will-not-wished-to-be-named-but-I-know-you'll-read-this, thank you for cycling over SO FREAKING EARLY and your very nice gift. I don't think you've ever got me out of bed that fast =)

Next, thank you to those who got me gifts and celebrating with me!

Ceri, JieJing, Jason, Zach, Shamin, for the movie, cake, birthday song, 2 heads of butter lettuce and the autographed bra&panty set of which I have no real use for but I still love dearly anyway. Melly for the very pretty roses. Thank you Steph, although I hardly know you, (and sham) for the magnificent mug and magnet (:O alliteration!!!!). Thank you Soffian for all that cake and ice cream (too much cake maybe?), for talking to me bout stuff and understanding, and also for putting my well-being before your punctuality for training! Shi hua and Alyssa! For that peanut butter jelly jig in the middle of parkway which many (and I mean MANY) people enjoyed. Also thank you for that book, bottle of peanut butter jelly (wonder how you guys came up with THAT) and tearing up all that paper with me. Thank you Boon Yew for Jacque, whom I never meant to name Jacque! Its all basil's ruddy fault. Haha. FREAKING CUTE. So small and furry. Not forgetting thank you Yi Xiang for walking me out of school, I liked that :) Haha special mention to the sailors who were very welcoming and sang me a birthday song. Lastly thanks wong, for shopping today!

Also, thank you those who called/messaged/IM-ed/said happy bithday to wish me. Vyl, Debbie, Vivo, Ming Yuan, JT, Joel Tieh, Jocina, Rachel, Shi Ya, Collin, Ning, Shannon, Gracie, Daniel, Dahlia, Evonne, Boonie, Thong Nut, Josephine, Andrea, Audrey, Chingo, Pam, May, La-Nette, Grace Lee, Manda, Joel Tan, Dommie, Cihui, Tanya, Sadelena, Joseph, Hans, Amelia, Anne, Jing Jing, Tessa, Paul, Gabe, Julian, Syaz, Nat, Dommie. Finally, thanks to those who wished me on facebook/friendster/this blog. Haha :) If i havent covered anyone, ring me up I'll give you your money back.


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