29 September 2008

One-for-one vodka cranberries

So the three of us were at clarke quay, watching FI from a fancy projector screen thingy with people walking all around and stopping to watch. There's this lady (well most likely she was a man, but since she was dressed like a lady, let's call her a lady) who's cheering Alonso on, standing somewhere in front of us. She really seemed genuinely excited about the race. She was also alone. So anyway she tried to talk to the guy beside her and he moved away after awhile. She talked to the next guy and he moved away too. Well I thought she was weird. But I dunno. Most of all it was sad.

What was also sad was that Clinic was pushing drinks to underaged kids! But uh hey, no harm done.

Anyway the spaghetti carbonara at The Royals Cafe is really not bad.



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