13 September 2009

With breathtaking precision and zeal

Oh horror. Last night I had this most engaging dream.. Which promptly evolved into a nightmare. The thing is, as much as we're blind to the fact, whatever we do is irreversible. Each breath is a moment you'll never live through again. So the next time you make the decision to do something, know that once done, no one has the power to retract anything. So live big, live fearsome. Do yourself and the people around you justice.

I'm lying here in bed, and all I can think is, what am I waiting for?

My source of transient joy has been missing this whole week. Its kinda annoying. When a person doesn't realise how much they mean to you, and you're too afraid to let them know.

I wonder what's going on in your side of the world.

And I wonder what the future has in store for us... As long as it's nothing like my nightmare, we'll be alright ;)



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