15 September 2009

All you gotta do is ask.

Okay since I promised a young, impressionable, volatile boy that I'd do this for him...

T: So what greener pastures have you moved on to?

A: No one currently

T: Shame

A: Were you intending a pun?
A: Like shame 'same'

T: Haha no I wasn't
T: But quirky observation nonetheless
T: Credit is due

A: Can you post this on your blog? :):):) hahahaha
A: Minus the 3 gay smiley faces and the hahahaha

T: Okay I will

A: YES!!

Haha y'know august, probably a grand total of 2 people in the world think our conversations are amusing.

Anyway snap back to reality, boom speed gravity. Today was math and econs. No wait make that econs followed by math. I really can't fathom why on earth I had it in my head that math was first and econs was second in the afternoon. Sigh, fluster and dusty breezes. Well econs was not too shabby, I did 2 questions properly and the last one was haha weak. But if I don't screw up case studies on friday, a C might actually be attainable. Math was well, the usual.

So now I'm taking a short break. Enough about exams.

If you need me, all you have to do is ask. I know I don't do this usually... And we don't make it a point to weave our everydays together like, conventional beings. And we don't do stuff much, at least not much anymore, but though sometimes you get on my nerves. If you need me, all you have to do is ask.

I'm totally digging on Juxtapose. Funky and mellow at the same time. One local act I'd pay for. I wish I could meet them and sit around. And maybe make music. Shit their sound is really good. Go to their myspace and listen please.

Once in awhile I meet someone who completely changes the way I see things. And it's like reaching out and asking, will you be my brand new eyes?

Fine August, the score is 2-1.

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