30 August 2008


MAY I JUST BLOG ABOUT something that happened on Teacher's Day, during the breakfast session with our CT. Well picture this, our allocated table was smack next to the table where all the Very Important People sat. There was this lady, not naming names, who reached over to our table and grabbed food that we ordered for our teachers and gave it to the Very Important People. Now, ask nicely and we'd gladly share our breakfast with you. But just cause he's the frikkin principal and you're trying to suck up, does not give you the right to take as you please. Of course the way you continually turned back and demanded for more sugar, utensils, coffeemate, serviettes, whathaveyou, did nothing to improve our impression of you. I can't believe such repulsive characters exist within the school staff. Perhaps you were mistaken and thought that our table was set up to provide yours with food, and that our class was there to entertain your every demand. Perhaps you failed to see our class tag on our table, or our teachers eating with us, teachers the food was meant for. I mean GEEZ WOMAN. Do the word please and thank you stick in your throat? Have you forgotten all your manners or have you never even possessed any before? A lovely morning meant for celebrating our teachers was made unpleasant by your ugly behaviour.



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