23 December 2007

Eloquent and In-Between-Sheets?

A nail job only lasts about 10 days or so. Then it starts to come off. It loses it's shine. Scratches mar the surface, but you know it used to be so pretty. Hmm. Perhaps i overuse my fingers eh. Perhaps its meant to last longer. Things all disintegrate with time. Some sooner than others. Some we let go on purpose. "My all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." haha.

The urge. When I'm standng on rooftops or the edge of a cliff-that strange desire to step off into space. No reason, no logic. But it's always there. Sound familiar?

I love typing in italics. And so what if i pronounce it as ih-talics and not eye-talics? Sound is but a figment of your imagination when writing is concerned. Isn't it true? You hear what i write, in whichever way you choose. You see what i write, in whatever way you can. I just think italics make things that much prettier. And so much more mysterious. It changes the whole context of everything. It's like i can get away with anything.



Blogger విలేఖరి said...

watch www.srikakulamdt.blogspot.com

3:11 PM  

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