18 December 2007

What's it like to be like everyone else? Am i the only one who feels the pressure to conform? Not conform like "fit in", but conform to "stand out". It's all about being different. Are there still people who think "man, i want to be just like everyone else!" or am i too accustomed to being accepted that the other direction is the only way to go? Yes i know it's late and i'm ranting. It's like the thoughts in my head aren't formulating like they would at an hour where i'm more awake. Have you seen the new n.u.m. tank top? They have it in netball now, and it's red. How perfect. Too bad it's $70 and my mum would have my head if i bought it. But i kinda want it. Which is strange cause it's from n.u.m.. No offence to n.u.m. lovers. Which brings me back to my original confusing thought-conformity. Although i'm not sure how they're linked. Okay you know people who go all cheem and write about life's truths and death's mysteries? I can't do it. I kinda sound juvenile to myself. Maybe cause they always all sound juvenile to me. The attempts at reaching out to some dusty corner of your sleepy brains and echoing the sentiment that I know more than you, is in fact very juvenile. But how else? When nothing makes sense to me anymore than it does to you? Not at this late hour, no. Perhaps when you and I are reading or re-reading this, we'll come to the half-hearted conclusion that writing, is not my forte. Half-hearted because everybody makes mistakes, and everyone pauses to avoid them.

As much as they can.


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