10 January 2011

Dear blog,

Today is the start of a new busy semester. I have surmised that my mood last night was due to a combination of anxiety for the new term, stress from the amount of things I need to take care of, and just a deep genuine feeling of having my hopes of seeing JB, dashed. I said/typed some hurtful things I shouldn't have, maybe cause I wasn't thinking clearly, or maybe I was being ruled by my emotions. Whatever it was, I will learn to be more controlled and level-headed because people and relationships are fragile things. I still feel sad that I did not get to see him after 5 days of missing, hoping, and wishing. But life is never fair and I will learn to deal with disappointments in a mature way soon. As for him, I don't know where he is now, or what he is thinking. I don't think I'm ready to talk to him yet. I might burst into tears at my own foolishness. I think I would like this week alone so I can numb myself to these strong emotions. It is always dangerous, falling so hard for someone, you forget that you'll eventually hit the ground.



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