13 December 2009

The price that I'll eventually have to pay.

So concludes a busy busy week. Next week is pretty packed too. I've been playing with the idea of signing up for driving lessons. Hmm, not sure if that'll kill the laid-back-yet-happening mode my life's currently in now. The beauty is in it's lack of structure I guess? Somewhat.

Oopsie daisy, I hurt you again.
Crushed your heart in the palm of my hand.
If you walk out baby, I'll understand.

I really hope things don't come to that, but I feel like we're spiralling towards it! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. It has nothing to do with common sense or logical thinking. Hell it doesn't even involve my heart. What am I doing?!?! Oh for the love of cheesecake.

All I'll do is hurt you.



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